외국인 매집 포착기 - 외국계 증권사의 매집종목과 통계

by 증권정보



We inform you of the best trading timing with push notifications such as real-time recommended target stop lossWe select the hot topics of the current stock market and provide information quickly and accuratelyWe upload content that is helpful for stock investment through analysis 24 hours a dayWe help you invest in stocks by continuously updating VIP information that no one has told you.We made it easy for those who have difficulty in stocks.Anyone can use it conveniently with a simple screenWe are working hard to make our investors successful in the stock market.Join us right now[Disclaimer]This application uses reasonable efforts to carefully review and update information before posting it. However, we do not guarantee that the information in this app is always up to date, current, accurate or complete. In addition, we do not guarantee that such information is free from intellectual property rights or copyrights of third parties. Accordingly, we assume no responsibility for the use or non-use of the information provided on this website, or for any damage resulting from the use or non-use, or for the use of inaccurate or incomplete information. Also, we are not responsible for any information distributed from general users (members) of this app.